پسوندهای فایل آغازشده با حرف H
پسوندهایی که در جدول زیر مشاهده میکنید از وبسایت FileInfo.com گرفته شده است. برای مشاهدهی اطلاعات بیشتر راجع به هر پسوند در وبسایت مرجع، کافی است روی لینک آن کلیک کنید.
پسوند فایل | نوع فایل |
.H | C/C++/Objective-C Header File |
.H0 | Movie Edit Pro Waveform Information File |
.H10 | At Home Canada 2010 Tax Return |
.H11 | At Home Canada 2011 Tax Return |
.H12 | At Home Canada 2012 Tax Return |
.H13 | H&R Block Canada 2013 Tax Return |
.H14 | H&R Block Canada 2014 Tax Return |
.H1Q | Microsoft Help Merged Query Index File |
.H1S | Windows Assistance Platform Help File |
.H264 | H.264 Encoded Video File |
.H2O | Battle Realms Game Data File |
.H2O | H2OMAP Master Project |
.H2P | Zebra2 Preset |
.H3B | Line 6 POD HD300 Edit Bundle |
.H3E | Line 6 POD HD300 Edit Preset File |
.H3M | Heroes 3 Map File |
.H4B | Line 6 POD HD400 Edit Bundle |
.H4E | Line 6 POD HD400 Edit Preset File |
.H4R | Heroes of Might and Magic IV Data File |
.H5B | Line 6 POD HD500 Edit Bundle |
.H5E | Line 6 POD HD500 Edit Preset File |
.H5S | Line 6 POD HD500 Edit Setlist File |
.H77T | MGD77T Header File |
.HA | HA Compressed Archive |
.HAL | HansaWorld Application Language File |
.HAL | HotDocs Answer Library |
.HAM | Descent 2 Resource File |
.HAM | HAM Executable File |
.HAML | Haml Source Code File |
.HANDLEBARS | Handlebars Template |
.HAS | Haskell Script |
.HBB | Line 6 POD HD Edit Bundle |
.HBC | HyperBac Compressed Archive |
.HBC2 | HyperBac Compressed File Archive |
.HBE | Line 6 POD HD Edit Preset File |
.HBE | HyperBac Compressed and Encrypted Archive |
.HBK | Mathcad Handbook File |
.HBS | Handlebars Template |
.HBS | Line 6 POD HD Edit Setlist File |
.HBX | BinHex Encoded File |
.HCC | HydroCAD Prefab Chamber Data File |
.HCE | HydroCAD Hydrograph Data File |
.HCF | Compact Ham Library |
.HCI | HydroCAD IDF Data File |
.HCL | HotDocs Clause Archive |
.HCP | HydroCAD Project File |
.HCR | HydroCAD Rainfall Curve Data File |
.HCR | Half-Fold Card File |
.HCU | Hydrograph Units Definitons File |
.HCX | ChartXL Chart |
.HD2 | Poser Hand Pose File |
.HDA | HotDocs Auto-Assemble File |
.HDB | HansaWorld Database File |
.HDD | Parallels Desktop Hard Disk File |
.HDF | Hierarchical Data Format File |
.HDI | Hard Disk Image |
.HDI | HotDocs Auto-Install File |
.HDK | HotDocs Registration File |
.HDL | HotDocs Library File |
.HDM | HDML File |
.HDML | Handheld Device Markup Language File |
.HDMOV | QuickTime HD Movie File |
.HDMP | Windows Heap Dump |
.HDP | HD Photo File |
.HDP | MAGIX Hard Disk Project Audio File |
.HDPMX | HotDocs Publisher Mapping XML File |
.HDR | High Dynamic Range Image File |
.HDR | ESRI BIL Header File |
.HDRP | HDRtist Pro Document |
.HDS | Microsoft PlayReady Data File |
.HDS | Parallels Desktop Hard Disk File |
.HDT | Photoshop HDR Toning Preset File |
.HDUMX | HotDocs User Mapping XML File |
.HDV | High Definition Video Format |
.HDX | Delphi MultiHelp Index File |
.HDZ | Compressed Poser Hand Pose File |
.HE | Humongous Entertainment Game Archive |
.HE0 | Humongous Entertainment Game Archive |
.HE1 | Humongous Entertainment Game Archive |
.HE2 | Humongous Entertainment Game Archive |
.HEARTSSAVE-MS | Microsoft Hearts Save File |
.HELP | Mac OS X Help Book |
.HELPINDEX | Help Index Document |
.HEX | Hexadecimal Source File |
.HEX | BinHex Encoded File |
.HF | HF Image |
.HFD | HotDocs Form Document |
.HFS | HFS Disk Image File |
.HFT | HotDocs Form Template |
.HFV | HFS Disk Image |
.HGL | HP Graphics Language File |
.HGT | SRTM Elevation Data File |
.HH | C++ Header File |
.HHC | HTML Help Table of Contents |
.HHH | Power C Precompiled Header File |
.HHK | HTML Help Index |
.HHSL | Hockey High Score List File |
.HHT | Help and Support Center HHT File |
.HI | MacMAME High Scores File |
.HID | Sony Ericsson Remote Settings File |
.HID | KeepSafe File |
.HID2 | KeepSafe File |
.HIF | Quicken Online File |
.HIN | HyperChem Input File |
.HIP | Houdini Project File |
.HIPNC | Houdini Apprentice File |
.HIS | FindinSite Database Definition File |
.HIT | The Sims Sound File |
.HIV | Windows Registry Hive File |
.HJT | TreePad 6 Database File |
.HKDB | Apple iTunes Library File |
.HKI | WinHKI Archive |
.HKI1 | WinHKI HKI1 Archive |
.HKI2 | WinHKI HKI2 Archive |
.HKI3 | WinHKI HKI3 Archive |
.HKM | Havok Movie File |
.HL | HeuristicLab Storage File |
.HLB | VMS / VAX Help Library |
.HLP | Windows Help File |
.HLSL | High Level Shader Language File |
.HLX | ATI Radeon Video Driver Support File |
.HM3 | Help & Manual 3 Project |
.HMA | Sony HI-MD Audio File |
.HME | Windows Mobile Theme File |
.HMI | HMI Audio File |
.HMK | Hallmark Card Studio File |
.HML | HostMonitor TestList File |
.HMP | Worms Height Map File |
.HMS | HostMonitor Script File |
.HMT | HighMAT File |
.HMX | Help & Manual 4 Project |
.HMXP | Help & Manual XML Project |
.HMXZ | Help & Manual Compressed Project |
.HOG | Descent Mission File |
.HOL | Outlook Holidays File |
.HONMOD | HON Modification Manager File |
.HOT | The Sims Sound File |
.HPD | HotDocs PDF Document |
.HPF | High Performance Fortran File |
.HPF | HP9100A Program File |
.HPG | HPGL Plot File |
.HPGL | HP Graphics Language Plotter File |
.HPI | Hemera Photo Objects Image File |
.HPJ | Help Project File |
.HPK | Tropico Game Archive |
.HPK | HPack Compressed Archive |
.HPL | HP-GL Plotter File |
.HPP | C++ Header File |
.HPP | Haluha Pearls File |
.HPS | HPL Script |
.HPS | HP Digital Sender Metadata File |
.HPS | GameCube Audio File |
.HPT | HotDocs PDF Template |
.HQX | BinHex 4.0 Encoded File |
.HR | TRS-80 Image |
.HR2 | Poser Hair File |
.HRF | Hitachi Raster Format File |
.HRL | Erlang Header File |
.HRZ | Compressed Poser Hair File |
.HS | Haskell Script |
.HS | Motorola Flash Flex File |
.HS | Java HelpSet File |
.HS | LaserTank High Scores File |
.HS2 | HyperRESEARCH 2 Study File |
.HSB | HALion Sound Bank File |
.HSC | Aspen HYSYS Simulation File |
.HSF | HOOPS Stream Format File |
.HSH | Windows Catalog Search Index File |
.HSK | Huskey Truss & Building Supply Import File |
.HST | History File |
.HT | HyperTerminal Session File |
.HTA | HTML Application |
.HTB | Audacity Help File |
.HTC | HTML Component File |
.HTG | HackTheGame Mission Pack |
.HTM | Hypertext Markup Language File |
.HTML | Hypertext Markup Language File |
.HTML0 | Book Designer File |
.HTMLZ | Zipped HTML eBook |
.HTT | Hypertext Template File |
.HTX | HTML Extension File |
.HTXT | Hanvon eBook File |
.HTZ4 | HyperMaker 4 Publication |
.HTZ5 | HyperMaker 5 Publication |
.HUH | HydroCAD Unit Hydrograph Definitions File |
.HUM | OMSI Human Configuration File |
.HUS | Husqvarna Embroidery File |
.HVC | HotDocs Variable Collection File |
.HVPL | iTunes Visual Plug-in File |
.HWD | Hedgewars Demo File |
.HWMAP | Hedgewars Drawn Map File |
.HWP | Hanword Document |
.HWP | Hangul (Korean) Text Document |
.HWS | Hedgewars Saved Game |
.HXA | Microsoft Help 2 Attribute Definition File |
.HXC | Microsoft Help 2 Collection Definition File |
.HXE | Microsoft Help 2 Sample Definition File |
.HXK | Microsoft Help 2 Index File |
.HXM | Descent 2 Resource Modification |
.HXN | Hexagon Model File |
.HXS | Help 2 Compiled Help File |
.HXT | Microsoft Help 2 Table of Contents File |
.HXX | C++ Source Code Header File |
.HYDRA | Hydra Image Filter Program File |
.HYP | Dictionary Information File |
.HYP | HYPER Compressed Archive |
.HYPE | Hype Document |
.HYPERESOURCES | Hype Resources Folder |
.HYPESYMBOL | Hype Symbol File |
.HYPETEMPLATE | Hype Document Template |
.HYV | Team Manager Meet Event File |
.HZ | Chinese (Hanzi) Text |